Monday, December 17, 2007

Delphastus depleted

Rats. Snow day yesterday, had to hunt for even a solitary Delphastus this morning. Rose is covered with whitefly goo.

They must have some purpose in Creation, but I really hate whiteflies about now.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Not so bad

I just watched an ant dragging a dead ladybug back to wherever ants go, having a struggle with something many times his size twisting his head back and forth. the end...he can eat dead ladybug. My day's not so bad.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Oh no, Delphastus can fly!

On the hibiscus it's been easy to spot a few Delphasti (?) with little trouble so I retain hope they may yet work against our mutual enemy, the accursed whitefly. But this morning during inspection one of the little black beetles took to flight! Not that there isn't plenty of other food available but I'm more worried about the predator side of the Magic Bulb-osystem.

I'd probably need to dump a thousand or so to hope for a colony to setup, like ladybugs. Or confine them to an aquarium type bug-making machine. Where do you go to get those?

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Go get 'em!

Alright, I've about given up on the simple methods of eradicating whitefly. Bugdeath sprays, water blasting, even a week outside in freezing temperatures hasn't removed the problem.

New bio-weapon? Delphastus pusillus, a small black beetle ravenous for whitefly eggs, deployed this morning and now stirring to life. Most of the colony will be placed on the hibiscus, while a few will go to the rose and tomatos. Go get 'em fellas!